These wonderful adapters let you use 35mm film in your 126 camera! Welcome back to the world, 126 – we missed you
Created by the legendary Camerhack, with this device you will be able to shoot any of the 35mm films available in our store with minimal DIY required.
Couple of extra pointers:
- Use 24 exposure film or cut down a 36-exposure roll by a third (see video below) as it’s unlikely you will get more than 16-20 frames due to the diminutive camera size
- Most 126 cameras have fixed (fast) shutter speed and medium aperture – so ISO 100 or 200 is probably your best bet for getting good results on a sunny day
- Not all 126 cameras will work well with the adapter: the FPP has produce an amazing video that we’ve embedded below for you to check whether your camera is likely to be a success
- The perforations on 126 are slightly different to 35mm – so most cameras will try and stop the advance too early. Make sure you shoot one or two ‘black’ photos (covering the lens with your hand or similar) between real frames to avoid overlap…unless that’s what you’re looking for!
The Fakmatic adapter comes with an instruction booklet, and any specific technical questions can be addressed to Claudio at Camerhack
For more info about the background of Camerhack then head over to our interview with Claudio!
Instructions for loading, shooting and unloading
Compatible Cameras
Where we ship
When you buy your camera film from us we can ship it across the UK, Europe, USA, New Zealand, Australia and Canada (more countries planned soon!) So buy your Camerhack Fakmatic Adapter for 126 Film Cameras today and dive back into the fun of 126 film photography!
NB: the brand is sometimes mis-spelled as Camerahack or Camerhak