Discover the Entire World of Analogue Photography. SilvergrainClassics is an international quarterly print journal about all things film.
The Spring 2024 edition!
Each 100-page issue has a combination of portfolios in book-quality print, gear talk and techniques, and insider news, written by photographers for photographers.
A fantastic inspiration for film photographers of all shooting styles and experience!
In their 22nd issue you will find topics including:
- New Film Cameras Are On the Way! Featuring recent announcements from Ricoh Imaging / Pentax and the WideLux revival project: WideluxX.
- What really happens to your films in Airport Scanners: a visual experiment and analysis by photographer Lina Bessonova.
- Liquid emulsions and platinum palladium printing from the projects ‘Borders of Nothingness – On the Mend’ and ‘Friction’ by Margaret Lansink, Netherlands.
- Scanning: A Bridge Between Digital and Analogue – a look into Hermann Groeneveld’s workflow.
Happy reading!
About SilvergrainClassics
You can read more about SilvergrainClassics at their site here: You may remember them from a previous name; they started life as ‘PhotoKlassik International’ before evolving to SilvergrainClassics!